Canadian PM Trudeau’s wife tests positive for coronavirus
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, wife of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, has tested positive for coronavirus after returning from a trip to...
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, wife of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, has tested positive for coronavirus after returning from a trip to...
Back to zero: Fed could make dramatic cuts very soon to stop the panic From CNN Business' Matt Egan Wall...
A top health official in the US says that the testing system for coronavirus is currently failing. "The system is...
It's no secret President Donald Trump tracks the stock market almost constantly. In many ways, he views the Dow as...
With stock markets crashing, Democratic candidates cancelling events and politicians scrambling to come up with a response, the coronavirus outbreak...
Italy has placed up to 16 million people under quarantine as it battles to contain the spread of coronavirus. Anyone...
(CNN)Just a week ago on February 29, there was one confirmed death from coronavirus in the United States. Now the rapidly-spreading virus has killed...
Young people are the future of politics - or at least, they should be. In the US, people aged 39...
Italy's prime minister has said at least 16 million people are in mandatory quarantine in Lombardy region and also in...
这是一位获分子生物学博士,现在美国临床一线的医生对最近华人社交媒体上流传的谣言的回复: 刚刚国会听证会结束,几个要点: 1. 美国已经向全国发出100万个测试盒,每个学校和诊所很快都具备测试能力,甚至连CVS 药房都可以测试了 - 检测用的反转录PCR。 RNA 极易降解和污染,导致假阳假阴, 必须在有成熟的分子诊断条件和经验的lab 做。 2.副总统明天将要求3M扩大产能,政府征用。3. 川普要求今后所有医护用品和所有药物包括仿制药品和抗菌药品都必须在美国生产,禁止外包到任何国家。 --这是不可能的。这方面美国的产能极低,产业转移不是一朝一夕甚至三年五年能做到的。 4. 任何医生都可以开测试盒处方,目前供给的测试盒已经全面升级为病毒复制聚测试法,比核算检测更为准确。 --狗屁不懂的外行,完全不知所云,连核酸两个字都拼不对。 5. 重点防护学校和养老院,防护措施升级。 --现在连在一线医疗机构包括大部分医院里也没有特别防护“升级”....