Coronavirus France: Cameras to monitor masks and social distancing
Video surveillance cameras in France will monitor how many people are wearing masks and their compliance with social distancing when...
Video surveillance cameras in France will monitor how many people are wearing masks and their compliance with social distancing when...
Even as the US remains under attack from the coronavirus outbreak, a new terror has arrived: "murder hornets". The 2-inch...
Texas reported 1,293 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, the third consecutive day that metric topped 1,000—a level not seen in...
Russia logged an additional 10,633 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday, bringing that nation’s total to 134,687, of which authorities...
London (CNN)As countries lie frozen in lockdown and billions of people lose their livelihoods, public figures are teasing a breakthrough...
Belgium is the world's worst affected country when it comes to the coronavirus mortality rate. That rate, unlike the total...
这两日,一则“武汉病毒所石正丽出逃向美使馆申请庇护”的消息在网上传播。 今日(5月2日),环球时报-环球网记者获悉,中科院武汉病毒所专家石正丽当日发布微信朋友圈,否认所谓“叛逃”谣言。 此前,因多年来致力于蝙蝠携带病毒研究,石正丽及其团队一直被阴谋论所困扰。近日在海外甚至有人散布消息称,石正丽带着全家人和“近千份秘密文件”出逃欧洲,已经在法国“向美国大使馆申请庇护”。 (more…)
Kim Jong-un has appeared in public for the first time in 20 days, North Korean state media says. KCNA news...
(CNN)House Appropriations Committee spokesman Evan Hollander told CNN on Friday that the White House is blocking Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member...
It almost felt like an episode of "Shark Tank." One by one, vaccine developers at a White House roundtable convened...