Coronavirus: Can China test all of Wuhan in only 10 days?
China is drawing up ambitious plans to test the entire population of Wuhan, the city where the Covid-19 pandemic began....
China is drawing up ambitious plans to test the entire population of Wuhan, the city where the Covid-19 pandemic began....
China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence Sunday morning, a spokeswoman for Israel's Ministry...
从2月2日,川普政府对中国公民实施禁止入境时开始计算,今天正好十五周过去了。每当人们质疑川普抗击疫情不得力的时候,川普的口头禅便是,“我行动得最早,如果没有我在2月初就对中国实施禁入政策,现在死亡的人数应该是百万计了!”于是,一有机会,他总会表扬自己,抗击疫情,我做得最好,新冠检测,这世界上,我们测得最多。对于川普而言,新冠确诊人数超过百万不是大问题,新冠死亡人数超过十万,八万也不是大问题,相比死亡百万人,自己还算做得不错的!今天又在夸夸其谈地说,白宫自1月11号就开始准备抗击新冠病,那时候就开始研发疫苗了。每天都吹牛,一天一个样,跟小孩子过家家似的,这还是这个星球上最强大国家的总统吗?真是让人哭笑不得。 (more…)
President Donald Trump has promised the US will reopen "vaccine or no vaccine" as he announced a plan to deliver...
Afrikaans survived South Africa’s transition from apartheid, but lost the privileges of power. Will it cope with the challenges of...
(CNN)The new coronavirus can infect organs throughout the body, including lungs, throat, heart, liver, brain, kidneys and the intestines, researchers...
Nineteen sailors have been killed and 15 others injured in an accident involving Iranian naval vessels in the Gulf of...
By Anneken Tappe, CNN Business Updated 9:06 AM ET, Fri May 8, 2020 With much of the American economy in self-imposed...