计算机在海外的华文里被翻译成电脑,而电脑核心是CPU芯片,它至少是由二十亿只晶体管组成,这个CPU芯片也可以把它看成是一个巨大的电子网络。而人工智能系统的核心是计算机神经元,它是由各种不同结构的神经元网络组成。在比较这二者的计算能力和网络规模之前,我们先介绍一下什么是人工智能系统。 “人工智能”(Artificial Intelligence)这个名词正式出现,最早可以追溯到 1955 年 8 月 31 日由美国计算机科学家 John McCarthy 和他的同事 Marvin Minsky、Nathaniel Rochester 和 Claude Shannon 提出的,那是确立了人工智能这一研究领域的 Dartmouth...
Review: SSD — Single Shot Detector (Object Detection)
This time, SSD (Single Shot Detector) is reviewed. By using SSD, we only need to take one single shot to detect multiple objects...
这几天,微信群最多的新闻就是美國政府扬言要封杀抖音,然后是微信。封杀抖音技术上可以实现,主要是因为抖音是以短视频为主,所有提供服务的硬件都在美國本土,强制在美国本土封杀,这个事应该可行。当然,网民会不会起来造反,或者利用法律手段来起诉,那是后话,就不在这里浪费时间了。我们还是把重点还是放在微信能不能被封杀的主题上吧! (more…)
Twitter hides Trump tweet for ‘glorifying violence’
Twitter has hidden one of President Donald Trump's tweets from his profile, saying it violates rules about glorifying violence. But...
Key coronavirus model will revise projections to nearly 135,000 US deaths
An influential coronavirus model often cited by the White House said in a press release that it plans to revise...
Coronavirus France: Cameras to monitor masks and social distancing
Video surveillance cameras in France will monitor how many people are wearing masks and their compliance with social distancing when...
In quest for vaccine, US makes ‘big bet’ on company with unproven technology
It almost felt like an episode of "Shark Tank." One by one, vaccine developers at a White House roundtable convened...
Coronavirus: DJI Mavic Air 2 jettisons drone safety feature in Europe
DJI has launched its first consumer drone to warn of nearby planes and helicopters via its controller. The inclusion of...
US stocks surge despite the worst jobless claims data in history: March 26, 2020