
罗杰斯提问:中国是唯一的一个国家曾经三、四次衰落后,又重回顶峰。 中国崩溃过三、四次后重回顶峰这种事只有中国做到了。 在历史上,埃及曾经伟大过,罗马也曾伟大过。 英国伟大过一次,都只是伟大一次而已。中国在历史上已经伟大过三四次。 看着中国都彻底崩溃了,我不知道为什么,中国是唯一的一个在垫底一段时间后,又能三、四次又重新回到顶峰的国家。
罗杰斯先生在跨越 100 万年的漫长文明时代提出了他的问题。 他提到了古埃及文明、罗马帝国和大不列颠帝国。 因此,我们最好从公元前四千年前的世界历史简要概述开始。 尼罗河畔的埃及文明和美索不达米亚河谷的文明都达到了辉煌的高度。 大约在同一时间,克里特岛上的米诺斯文明也蓬勃发展。 尽管这些文明似乎是独立发展的,但它们的生命周期却遵循着相似的模式。 他们达到顶峰,然后在被入侵后崩溃并完全消失。 并被外人征服。 为什么这些希腊文明屡屡不能复兴而消亡? 如果此时有一个不朽的宇航员从太空俯视东地中海地区,他会注意到,而这个地区的大多数人类群体都是打猎和找物者,不断地在地球上寻找食物来源,过着游牧的生活。 在他的人生观中,古埃及苏美尔人和发展成为有序的定居方式的社会的文明是异类,是阳历和阴历的差别。 在古埃及,亚洲大城市的建设和复杂的灌溉系统以及古克里特岛上宏伟宫殿和道路网络的建设是人类长期定居的典型标志。 但长期以来,这些文明像公海中的小岛一样孤立而脆弱,随时可能被游牧民族的浪潮吞没,游牧民族的入侵正如著名的英国历史学家 HG 威尔斯所说的两种方式 生活,是专门朝着相反的方向发展。 因此,游牧群体和定居群体发生冲突是在所难免的。 游牧民族对定居民族来说,游牧民族是顽固的野蛮人。
在公元前 22 78 年至 21 54 年之间,游牧部落和山地部落相比城镇和村庄中的人数要多很多、这些好战的民族和城镇定居的民族之间存在不断的突袭和战争,入侵阿卡迪亚的损害导致现有文明的终结,而没有在 它的位置。 在 17 90 15 60 BC 之间,热量以亚洲方式造成损害。 古老的巴比伦帝国已经失去了它在南方的大部分财产,东亚的权力中心也因此在很大程度上被摧毁和遗弃。 公元前 1782 年至 16 30 年之间。 游荡的西海在公元前1412-100年间夺取了埃及的王位并摧毁了中央王国。 我们的宫殿被毁,再也没有重建,荒废了。 最后,有时在公元前七年左右。 被称为海洋民族的最凶残的病毒航行到毁灭世界并开始新的世界大迁徙以及古埃及的垮台。 埃及的墓铭文部分写道,他们乘着战舰从海上来,没有人能对抗他们。 抵抗是徒劳的。 他们的宫殿被烧毁,他们的城市被扭曲。 这就是整个东地中海地区的历史。 这是诺曼狐狸的胜利,对一只又一只定居的狐狸的毁灭性征服。 但是可以想象一下,如果在某个关键时刻定居福克斯一号,久坐不动的人的社会不仅人口更多,土地更多,而且组织良好,装备精良,受过良好教育和训练,而且足够强大, 不仅要保卫家园,还要反击诺曼人,夺取他们的大本营。 主要的历史叙述会非常不同。 现在,如果我们不朽的专家俯视欧亚大陆的东端,您会看到同一历史时期。 与东地中海地区发生的情况相反。 中国的故事是定居群体与游牧群体同化融合的成功,随后是西西里岛对定居文明的扩张。 这就是中东和东亚在中东沿袭了两条截然不同的演进路径。 诺曼人在东亚原有文明的废墟上,通过不断的反抗,征服了整套社会,在保留正常传统的同时,重建了新的社会。
诺曼人在东亚原有文明的废墟上,通过不断的反抗,征服了整套社会,在保留正常传统的同时,重建了新的社会。 而反征服,定居狐狸最终将整个定居社会扩展到更大的区域。 而且,虽然不时也会有强大的游牧民族统治,但新社会依然保留着定居文明的传统。 本质上,罗杰斯先生也追问,为什么罗马帝国和大英帝国在一个历史时期成为第一,然后在衰落之后就再也没有恢复过来。 其实,七至十世纪的阿拉伯帝国,十三至十四世纪的蒙古帝国,十六至十九世纪的奥斯曼帝国,都一样,在崩溃之后再也没有复活。 那么根本原因就是这个,这些影响都是游牧主导的,影响。 他们的统治者要么是骑马,要么是骑马,要么是骑骆驼,要么是乘车,要么是乘船。 而游牧统治者虽然也从征服中吸取了很多文化建设和精湛技艺,逐渐成为文明的一部分,但他们都遵循着同样的兴衰规律。 它始于部落的团结,然后在征服战争中达到鼎盛时期并在被征服的土地上定居。 那么在那个时间点,在海外新生失败或者内部种族同化和文化融合失败或者两者兼而有之之后迅速分崩离析,以罗马帝国为例,毁灭东地中海文明的野蛮部落其实就是 非常古希腊或罗马文明的创造者。 在亚历山大大帝建立希腊帝国之前,凯尔特野蛮人从罗马进入。
100年后,罗马统一了意大利半岛。 200 年后,地中海变成了罗马湖。 在这种情况下,新文明不仅接管了旧文明的所有定居地,而且构成了一个更大更复杂的社会结构,再也不可能复兴古代古波斯和古希腊的所有文明。 . 但是当罗马帝国耗尽了一个外国定居社会去征服它内部的腐败集团时,它的北部边界被更加强大和凶猛的野蛮人入侵了戏剧性。 它的垮台是不可避免的。 大英帝国最近的衰落也遵循同样的模式。 来自不列颠群岛的海洋人掌握了王氏、航海和武器装备,征服了不同大陆上的许多定居社会,建立了日不落的浩瀚双子。 然而,当没有新的定居社会可以征服,更强大的对手出现时,它就无法逃脱与其他游牧统治的团队配对相同的命运。 哦,蚊子,新鲜的气囊,真正的浪漫。 现在让我们转向中国。 西方学者的一个结论是,中国文明似乎并不像基辛格博士在他的《中国》一书中所说的那样有一个开端。 文明有它的开始,但它不是以某种胜利征服的开始,诺曼人更熟悉这种征服。 从黄帝到夏王,这是定居民族的一次决定性胜利,实现了亲族村落的牢固团结。
在公元前三千年,所有传奇的中国开国统治者都在重建,而不是对社会造成损害。 这些开国统治者中的每一个都对聚落的进步做出了独特的贡献,不仅在文化融合和民族同化方面,而且在时期文章、领土扩张和人口扩张方面,夏朝的统治者是一个 历史上具有里程碑意义的事件。 在那个大洪水泛滥的古代,世界其他地方的人们只有两种选择,要么被洪水吞没,要么远离洪水。 但是中国人,也只有中国人看到了第三种选择,就是靠人力平地引水。 一个德高望重的国王,统一了各地的法律,在他的王国里聚集了大量的人力和物力,完成了这个庞大的防洪工程。 从此,中国人的聚居地就以九州的形式永久固定下来,四千年未变。 此后,通过大规模的水利工程,中国世纪初期的社会大大扩展了边界,有效地达到了免遭周围游牧社会破坏的生存临界点。 中国古代文献对南、北、东、西三个方向的诺曼人给予了不同的称呼。 表明此时中国的定居农业社会已经扩展为以黄河中下游平原为中心的近乎圆形的版图,将所有的游牧圈套挤向了偏远的周边地区。 这就是为什么中国后来被称为中央王国。 虽然他的体型时大时小。
罗杰斯先生意识到,中国在历史上曾多次衰落。 中国历史上有过多次内战和大乱。 他所指的这个时期,正是中国农业的黑暗时代。 定居民族的农业社会被游牧民族取代。 大约与日耳曼野蛮人入侵罗马帝国的时间相同。 居住在华北地区的不少游牧部落,统称为五族,终于强大到突破华北防线的地步。 但是,不像罗马帝国那样,彻底崩溃,游牧民族并不会重建当时的文明。 五族进入中国后,在中华文明的基础上拥抱中华文化,成为大融合世纪新中央王国的一部分,唐代的巨大影响为重建涵盖了更多 人们覆盖了更大的领土并达到了更高的文化高峰。 然后历史在 13 世纪重演。 蒙古帝国,人类历史上最伟大的一步,几乎在一夜之间崛起,席卷了已知世界的大部分地区,包括整个中国。 但我喜欢世界其他地方。 建立在中央王国土地上的蒙古王朝,又一次脱离了自己的传统。 就中国而言,它不再是游牧的蒙古人,而是在很大程度上是手部定居王国的翻版。 尽管统治者被外国人所取代,但其自身文化的恐惧实际上扩展到了统治者的家园。 此外,由于每次崩溃后生存的临界点不断升高,中国政府似乎按照自然法则增强了自身重建的能力。 15至19世纪的明清大一统,是历史上的美誉,是民族更多、地域更广、文化达到更高的高峰。 在此刻。
我相信我已经非常全面地回答了罗杰斯先生的问题。 那么了解了这一切,我们应该如何理解当今的世界呢? 首先,我们要认识到,今天中华民族的伟大复兴仍然具有独特性,是历史上其他帝国的兴衰兴衰无法比拟和预测的。 将中国与近代历史上的德国和日本进行比较,或者将中国视为威胁现有世界秩序的新兴超级大国,即使不是错误的,也是误导性的。 晚清以来中国从没落到复兴的历史进程,仍然可以看作是历史的重演,既是自身传统的复兴,又是吸收不同文明的元素逐步创造新的文明 . 这是从中华文明的特点看,也是它在全球范围内成为世界上最延续最成功的定居文明的根本原因。 19世纪末以来,随着国家、国家主权的加强、边境管制的加强和城市化进程的加快。 民族大迁徙现象逐渐消失。 好吧,与人类历史上的大多数时期相比,定居社会的人口急剧增加。 可见,当今世界是一个全球定居的世界。 不再有骑马或骑骆驼或骑船的人的整个社会。 如果我们抽出世界历史的脉络,把17-19世纪的欧洲殖民战争和帝国主义战争视为近六千年来诺曼底民族对定居民族的最后一次伟大胜利。
China is the only country that’s been at the top three or four times. China has also collapsed three or four times and been catastrophe. But in history, Rome was great once Egypt was great. Once, Great Britain was great once, but China has been great three or four times. You totally collapse. But and I don’t know why, but it’s the only country that after it’s been at the bottom for a while, has turned around three or four times and risen to the top again.
Mr Rogers raised his question on a long civilizational times scale re across six million. He mentioned the ancient Egyptian civilization, the Roman Empire and the Great Britain Empire. So we better start with a brief outline of the world history by the fourth millennium BC. The Egyptian civilization on the banks of the Nile and the civilization in the Mesopotamian Valley has both reached the height of their glory. And around the same time, the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete also flourished. Although these civilizations seem to be developed independently, their life cycles follow a similar pattern. They reach their pinnacles then collapse and disappear altogether after being invaded. And conquered by outsiders. Why did these Greek civilization fail to rise again and die out so often? If an immortal spacemen were looked down on the Eastern Mediterranean region from space at this time, he would notice that while most human groups in this region were hunters and gatherers following food sources constantly on the moon, living a nomadic lifestyle. In his birth view, the ancient Egyptian Sumerian and the civilizations which developed into complex settled societies were outliers, the invention of solar and lunar calendars. In Ancient Egypt, the construction of large cities and the sophisticated irrigation system in Asian and the building of great palaces and the road networks on the ancient island of Crete are typical signs of a long term settlement. But for a long time, these civilizations were isolated and vulnerable like small islands in the high sea in danger of being swallowed up by the reading waves, the invasion of the nomadic peoples as the well known English historian H G Wells put it the two ways of life specialized in opposite directions. It was inevitable that the no fog and the settled fog should clash. That the nomads should seem hard barbarians to the settled peoples and the settled peoples. Solved and effeminate and very good plunder to the nomad peoples along the fringe of developing civilizations. There must have been a constant reading and bickering between tribes and the mountain tribes and the more numerous and less warlike peoples in the towns and villages between 22 78 the 21 54 BC invaded Arcadian impair bringing an end to an existing civilization without the building another in its place. Between 17 90 15 60 BC, the heat build a impair in Asian manner. The ancient Babylonia Empire had lost most of its holdings to the South and the East Asian power centers of were thus largely destroyed and abandoned. Between 17 82 and 16 30 BC. The wandering Western Sea m seized the throne of Egypt and destroyed the Middle Kingdom between 1412 100 BC. The palace of our was destroyed, never rebuilt and left deserted. And finally, sometimes around seven BC. The most murderous virus known as sea peoples sailed to destroy the world and start a new one with the great migration as well came the downfall of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian inscriptions read in part, they came from the sea in their warships and no one could stand against them. Resistance was a futile. Their palaces were burned and their cities distorted. This is the history of the Eastern Mediterranean area as a whole. This is the triumph of the Norman Fox, the devastating conquest upon settled Fox one after another. But one could imagine what if settle Fox one if at some critical point, the society of sedentary people, not only had a larger population and more land, but had also become a well organized, well equipped, educated and trained and that’s strong enough, not only to defend their homes, but also to fight back against the Normans and take their base camps. The main historical narrative would have been very different. Now, if our immortal spec will look down on the east end of the Eurasia continent, you will see that in the same historical period. Contrary to what happened in the Eastern Mediterranean area. The story in China is the success of the settled fox who assimilate and integrated with the No Fox and followed by the Sicily’s expansion of the sedentary civilization. This is that the Middle East and the East Asia follow the two distinct evolutionary paths in the Middle East. The Norman folk conquered the entire set of society and then rebuilt a new society while retaining the normal tradition on the ruins of the original civilization in East Asia through constant resistance. And the counter conquest, the settled fox eventually extended the entire settled society to a larger area. And although it will also be ruled by powerful nomadic folks from time to time, the new society still retain the tradition of a sedentary civilization. In essence, Mr Rogers also asked why the Roman Empire and the British Empire became the number one for a single period of history and then never recovered after their decline. In fact, the Arab Empire in the seventh to 10th century, the Mongol Empire in the 13th to 14th century and the Ottoman Empire in the 16th to 19th century, all the same, they never resurrected after their collapse. Well, the fundamental reason is this, these impacts were all nomadic dominated, impacts. Their rulers were either horse riding, no mass or camel riding, no mass or ship riding noises. And although the nomadic rulers also learned many culture establishments and refine art from the conquer and gradually became part of the civilization, they all follow the same pattern of the rise and the fall. It begins with the unity upon the nor tribes then reaching their heyday in the war of conquest and settle down on the conquered land. Then at the point in time, quickly fall apart after the failure of the fresh overseas or the failure of internal ethnic assimilation and cultural integration or both take the Roman Empire as an example, the barbarian tribes that destroyed the Eastern Mediterranean civilizations were in fact the very creators of the ancient Greek or Roman civilization. Before the establishment of Alexander, the Greek empire, the Celtic barbarians from go into Rome. 100 years later, Rome unified the Italian Peninsula. And 200 years later, the Mediterranean Sea became a Roman Lake. Under such circumstances, the new civilization not only took over all the settled lands of the old civilization, but also constituted a larger and more complex structure of society in which it was no longer possible to revive all the civilizations of ancient Ancient Persia and Ancient Greece. But as the Roman Empire run out of a foreign settle societies to conquer and its internal corruption group when its northern borders were invaded by the more powerful and ferocious dramatic barbarian. Its downfall was inevitable. The recent fall of the British Empire follow the same pattern. The sea foreign people from British Islands having mastered the Wangs, the navigation and the weaponry conquered the many settled societies on different continents and built a vast pair on which the sun never set. However, when there was no new settled society to conquer and the more powerful rivals arose, it could not escape the same fate as other nomadic dominated team pairs up. Oh, mosquitoes, fresh air bags, real romance. Now let’s turn to China. One conclusion among the Western scholars is that Chinese civilization doesn’t seem to have a beginning as Dr Henry Kissinger put it in his book, China Stress into the historical consciousness as the established state requiring only restoration, not creation, of course, the Chinese civilization has its beginning, but it is not a beginning with some kind of a victorious conquest, which is more familiar with Norman folk. It is a decisive victory of settled folk who achieved the solid unity of kindred villages and to from the yellow empire to the king of Xia. In the third millennium BC, all the legendary founding rulers of China were reestablishing, not creating an impair of society. Each of these founding rulers made a unique contribution to the progress of the settlement, not only in terms of cultural integration and ethnic assimilation, but also in terms of the period article, expansion of territory and population became the ruler of the Xia dynasty was a landmark event in history. In those ancient times when great floods were common, people in other parts of the world had only two choices to be swallowed up by flood or to flee far away from it. But the Chinese people and only Chinese people saw a third option to rely on human power to level the land and divert the water. A chosen king with a high moral standard managed to unite all local laws, gather massive human and material resources in his kingdom to complete this huge engineering project of flood control. And from then on, the settlement of the Chinese people were permanently fixed in the form of nine states which have not changed for 4000 years. Since then through large scale water management project, early Chinese century societies greatly expanded their boundaries and effectively reach their critical point of survival from destruction by the surrounding nomadic societies. Ancient Chinese text gave different names to the Norman folk in the directions of the South, north east and west. Showing that by this time, China’s sedentary agricultural society had already expanded into an almost a circular territory centered in the middle and the lower plain of the yellow river, squeezing all the nomadic traps into the remote surrounding area. This is why China came to be known as the central kingdom. Although his size was sometimes larger and sometimes smaller. Mr Rogers realized that China has fallen many times in history. There have been many periods of the civil war and the chaos in Chinese history. This periods he refers to are no other than the similar dark ages when China as in agriculture. The agricultural society of settle folk was overtaken by Norma folk. Around the same time as when the Germanic barbarians invaded the Roman Empire. Quite a few wandering tribes living in northern China known collectively as the five finally became strong enough to break through defense boundaries of northern China. However, unlike the Roman Empire, which completely collapsed and the tank and could not be rebuilt. The five who entered the China and embraced the Chinese culture based on the sedentary civilization and become part of a new central kingdom of the century of great integration, the great impact of the and the Tang dynasties as a reconstruction of Q and hand dynasties encompassed more people covered larger territories and reached higher culture peaks. Then history repeated itself in the 13th century. The Mongol Empire, the greatest step impair in human history rose almost overnight, sweeping over much of the known world, including all of China. But I like the rest of the world. The Mongol dynasty that was established in the land of the central kingdom, once again, out of their own tradition. It was not a nomadic Mongol impair anymore, but to a great extent, a copy of the and hand sedentary kingdoms in the case of China. Although the rulers were replaced by the foreigners, its own cultures fear actually expanded into the rulers homeland. Furthermore, because of the ever elevated critical point of survival after each collapse, as if by law of nature, the Chinese state has increased its capacity to rebuild itself. The great unification of Ming and the Qing dynasties from the 15th to the 19th century was the reputation of history encompassing more peoples covering a larger territory and reaching a higher culture peak. At this point. I believe I have answered Mr Rogers question in a very comprehensive way. So knowing all this, how should we understand the world as it is today? First, we need to recognize that the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation today is still with its uniqueness and can’t be compared to or predicted by the rise and fall of other empires in history. Comparing China to Germany and Japan in recent history or see China as an emerging superpower that threatens existing world order are misleading, if not incorrect. The historical process of China from its decline to its rejuvenation since the late days of the Qing dynasty can still be seen as a repetition of history that is the rejuvenation of its own tradition and the gradual creation of a new civilization by absorbing elements from different civilizations. This is look in the characteristics of Chinese civilization and the fundamental reason why it became the most continuous and successful settled civilization in the world on a global scale. Since the end of the 19th century, with stronger sovereignty of the nation, states, tighter border controls and increasing urbanization. The phenomenon of a great migration of ethnic groups have gradually disappeared. Well, the population of settled societies has increased dramatically compared to most times of the human history. We can see that the world today is a globally settled world. There are no longer an entire society of horse riding or camel riding or boat riding people. If we take out the line of world history and regard the European colonial and imperialist wars of conquered in the 17th to the 19th centuries as the last great victory of Norman folk over settle the folk in the recent six millennia.