‘Chaos’ at US airports as travellers rush to get back


Copyright: Ruth Procopi

Yesterday the US extended its travel ban to the UK and Ireland – and so a lot of people have spent today grabbing early flights home.

The above photo was taken by Ruth Procopi, who grew up in the UK but has lived in Chicago for about 20 years.

She was visiting family in Watford when she heard about the travel ban, and flew home today.

When she got into Chicago’s O’Hare airport, she said it was “chaos”.

“I arrived from Heathrow at about 15:30 yesterday. It was chaos. Nobody explained anything,” she told the BBC.

She said it took her about two hours to get through, in the end – despite not having any checked bags, and not having to go through any additional screening at the airport.

“We were told there was additional screening while on the plane, but no details,” she added. “We were not told anything at any stage.”


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