Lewinsky offers colorful remark in apparent response to Starr joining Trump defense team

Washington (CNN)The announcement that former independent counsel Ken Starr is joining President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team surprised many on Friday, but one person, apparently, had an especially notable reaction to the news.
“This is definitely an ‘are you f—ing kidding me?’ kinda day,” tweeted Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern whose relationship with former President Bill Clinton led to his impeachment in 1998.
Lewinsky didn’t explicitly make it clear that she was referring to the hiring of Starr and his successor as independent counsel, Robert Ray, by Trump’s team, but her name will forever be tied to Starr’s in history. His investigation brought to light Lewinsky’s involvement with Clinton, who was later impeached on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice in the matter. He was later acquitted by the Senate in February 1999.
Lewinsky, who has struggled to maintain a private life following the affair, has only recently started to address her experience. In 2018, she agreed to take part in a documentary about the affair in order to ensure that her experience “never happens to another young person in our country again.”
On Twitter, Lewinsky has become a vocal anti-bullying activist, regularly casting light on the problem of online abuse. She has also added widespread commentary on the #MeToo movement.